Recently got a new job at a school? Retiring? Becoming a casual teacher? You will need to change your teacher role so you can access and utilise all the functionalities related to your current role.
Please note: You will only see "Remove" next to teacher roles and not next to positions in your dashboard. You can remove a teacher role when it is "Pending" or "Active".
I've Just Changed My Role but My School Hasn't Confirmed It
Emails for approval are sent at 3:15pm the day you request a role at your school. Subsequent emails are sent every Friday weekly if your request hasn't been approved. The link in the email will expired after 3 weeks, but your school will be offered a self-login email with a magic link afterwards when attempting to access an expired link. Waiting for your school to confirm can take a few business days, so it may be worth contacting your front desk to see if Dash's email are there unactioned. If your school still hasn't confirmed your position, then you can check out our troubleshooting solutions.
I Currently Hold a Team Official or Executive Position but Need to Change My Teacher Role
No problem! You can change your teacher role at anytime - your positions will still show in your dashboard and you will still have the same administrator powers (if this position had admin permissions attached).
I Recently Applied for a School Based Competition but Now Need to Change My School
You can change your teacher role at anytime and it will not affect your previous applications on behalf or your school. After you've removed your teacher role you will not be able to apply for school based competitions for that school any longer.