You can find out more about editing your child's medical details in the article: Edit Your Child's Details.
I Need to Upload a New Medical Document
To attach a new Medical Procedure File you must select "Choose file" and select the new file you would like to upload.
Please note: This will override your last file if you already had one uploaded.
Please note: Updating your child's details does not edit their details in any current applications they have outstanding. If your child has an outstanding application for an intake then you will need to edit their details and add any relevant medical documents there as well.
Any new applications you make for this child will show their updated details and new medical document.
Having problems with uploading files?
I Filled in the Medicare Number Incorrectly
No problem, you can edit the Medicare Number of any/all of your children using the child details editor.
It is important to remember that Medicare Numbers must be 10 digits and include no other characters. You will receive an error message if you attempt to submit a Medicare Number which includes letters.