On the dashboard, navigate to the settings dropdown menu on the top right of the screen and select "Account Details".
From the "Account Details" screen you can update your details.
For security reasons you will not be able to create a new password if you have not entered your current password in the first box under "Reset Password".
Notification Preferences
The software sends out various notifications and you are able to customise how you would like to receive these notifications.
Workflow Instance
A Workflow Instance is any action that requires approval from a user and is relevant only to schools and administrators.
Intake Group Participation
A Intake Group Participation is an action which reminds schools to participate in competitions relevant to them. This is not relevant to parents or teachers.
Intake Communication
You may have already received Intake Communication from competition organisers with last minute information regarding an intake you have registered your child for. Some parents may not wish to receive this email or SMS communication. You can select the following options:
- Immediate - for an immediate notification
- Daily Digest - for all relevant notifications to be sent in one combined email daily
- Weekly Digest - for all relevant notifications to be sent in one combined email weekly
- Suppress - for all relevant notifications to be suppressed
Please Note: Your Intake Communication is currently set to "Immediate" for both Email and SMS. There is no need for you to create this notification preference. All notification preferences you create override this default preference.
You can also find out more about editing your child's details here.